Step Forward today into a relationship with Jesus. Philippians 4-13-14 Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

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I can effortlessly recognize how others are wonderfully crafted by God. I can easily let someone know they are chosen! How many times do I say these things to myself?

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The more I learn, the more I crave knowledge like a sponge. As my knowledge grows, so does my awareness of what I don't know. There are times when I lack confidence and feel intimidated about my understanding of the word of God.

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How do we see ourselves? What are the common thoughts or statements we frequently say to ourselves? Are the words we're using having a positive or negative impact on us?

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Are you asking, while speaking in opposition to, what you believe?

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Be good to yourself and know that you are loved by God so dearly and he is not keeping score. He has already won the battle for you.

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Micah 7:7-8 says, “Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me” God tells us we are beloved children he will provide for us, and he will make a way rather than looking to things of this world, for nourishment of our mind and soul, we seek the Lord who provides all we need.

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If you're feeling like you're in a dry season and need restoration, turn to the Lord who will provide for all your needs.

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What is God showing me about myself?

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I want to be open and ready to receive all that the Holy Spirit is telling me with my mind and heart.

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An attempt to dissect the complexities of Anorexia by exploring its triggers, symptoms, effects, and potential treatments. Get better educated about this often misunderstood and dangerous eating disorder.

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Get in the Race Run your Race with Joy Run your Race in Accordance with his Teachings

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