10 Mar

Faith Conversation with Steve Mowry: A Journey of Transformation

Welcome back to another episode of the Faith Conversation series, where we dive deep into the testimonies of individuals whose lives have been transformed by faith. Today, we have the privilege of hearing from Steve Mowry, a Bull Fighter, rancher and follower of Christ. As we began our conversation, it was a beautiful spring day in South Dakota, perfect for reflecting on the richness of life and God’s grace. Steve shared a heartfelt overview of his life, briefly touching on his childhood in a Catholic family. As the youngest of three boys, he was brought to church by his older brother, who sought solace and guidance in faith. Steve’s early encounters with prayer planted seeds in his heart, yet life took him on a detour for several years.

The Rodeo Life: A Path Away from Faith

After graduating high school, Steve immersed himself in the rodeo world. Encouraged by his brother, he started participating in bullfighting, a daring and celebrated role in rodeo culture. Despite experiencing significant success and recognition, Steve's life became characterized by pride and a craving for validation through worldly achievements. "Pride was my biggest motivator," he confessed, adding how it blinded him to the divine orchestration happening around him. However, the dark sides of his ambitions quickly surfaced. After a major disappointment in his rodeo career when the Wrangler Jeans tour was altered, Steve spiraled into a seven-year journey filled with regret, lost hope, and substance abuse. He turned away from church and any semblance of faith, vowing to do everything his own way.

The Turning Point: A Divine Encounter

Years of personal chaos led Steve to a fateful night in 2000. A vivid dream propelled him into a confrontation with his faith. In this dream, he walked toward an immense light, feeling an overwhelming fear that morphed into profound joy as he stood before Jesus. "It's hard for me to describe it," Steve said. "But when I looked into the face of Jesus, I experienced pure joy. Nothing in this world could compare." That transformative encounter deeply changed his life, igniting a desire to follow Christ wholeheartedly. Post-dream, Steve reported that everything in his life changed. His cravings for alcohol dissipated, relationships strengthened, and a newfound passion for God’s word flourished. “Behold, all things become new,” he remarked, reflecting on how he felt reborn in Christ. 

Life Today: Living in Faith and Purpose

Today, Steve has dedicated his life to ranching alongside his family, where faith intertwines with his daily work. He shared how the health challenges he faces have encouraged him to lean on God more than ever. "I wouldn't change a thing. I thank God for where I'm at because I'm a micromanager, and I wouldn't let them go do their jobs," he explained. His sons are now stepping up and helping run the ranch, fulfilling a divine plan Steve didn’t see coming.“God has been so good so far. He has a plan, and I don’t want to get in His way,” he said with a humble smile.Through his experience, Steve emphasizes the significance of community, love, and the importance of sharing one’s testimony. His sincere belief is that through storytelling, lives can be touched, and hearts can be transformed. “I know someday I’ll look Jesus in the face again, and I don’t want to be ashamed for not spreading the good news,” he expressed.

Closing Reflections

As we wrapped up our conversation, Steve offered a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving, inviting listeners to draw closer to God. Together, we prayed for healing, strength, and the courage to share our faith stories with others. Steve Mowry’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith and the goodness of God that prevails through trials. His life today is rich with purpose, love, and a deep relationship with Christ, reminding us all that it's never too late for a road-to-Damascus experience.

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