Welcome to a heartfelt conversation about faith, transformation, and the power of God in everyday life. Today, we're joined by Tracy Buer, a man whose journey has taken him from a life once marked by "raising hell" to a place of profound faith and ministry. Tracy's story is a testament to the transformative power of God and the enduring love that guides us through life's challenges. Tracy kicks off our conversation with a powerful song that encapsulates his journey. The song, filled with raw honesty and a glimmer of hope, sets the stage for the rest of our conversation.
Music and Family: The Roots of Tracy's Journey Tracy's life has always been intertwined with music. Growing up in a family of musicians, he learned to play guitar and sing, spending decades in a band. While the band brought him joy, it also took a toll on his time with his family. A pivotal moment came when Tracy decided to pursue music ministry, leading to a fulfilling life.
From Bison, South Dakota to a Life of Faith
Tracy's roots run deep in Bison, South Dakota, where he grew up on a cattle ranch with his large family. His journey wasn't always smooth. He spent time drifting, exploring different paths. His life took a turn when he saw his wife walking down the street and with a joke he married her. They built a life in Bison, raising five children, and working in the community.
The Turning Point: Finding God For Tracy, the turning point came during a revival in Lemon, South Dakota. The message resonated with him and his wife. This experience opened their ears to truth and brought them closer to the faith. It was the first time he truly heard about Jesus, his love, and his forgiveness.
A Moment of Revelation
Working in the County Highway Department, Tracy was struggling with personal battles. On a lonely country road, he cried out to God for a sign. He knelt down and prayed, asking God to reveal himself. And in that moment, the glory of God descended upon him. He was filled with peace, joy, and a sense of forgiveness, that helped him understand that God was real.
The Transforming Power of Faith Tracy's faith continued to strengthen over the years. He shares stories of healing, both physical and spiritual, and how God taught him the importance of patience and trust. He emphasizes that transformation takes time and requires a lifelong process of listening to God and allowing him to guide you. Forgiveness and Second Chances Central to Tracy's faith journey is the power of forgiveness. Both in his relationship with God and in his marriage, he highlights the importance of granting second chances and letting go of past hurts. It's a reminder that transformation is possible not just for ourselves but also for others.
The Importance of Unity
Tracy discusses how putting God at the center of a relationship is essential for its success. He emphasizes that it is not about either person in the relationship, but a guide through God, that both people will grow and flourish.
Finding Your Calling
Tracy firmly believes that everyone has a calling. He shares how, as a former musician, he now ministers through music, using his past experiences for good. He encourages all listeners to realize their potential and embrace the power of God. Conclusion Our conversation with Tracy Buer comes to a close with a song that beautifully summarizes his testimony. The song, filled with gratitude, hope, and a clear expression of faith, leaves us with a powerful message: God's love and grace are always available, and transformation is always possible.
These two songs, along with Tracy's powerful message, serve as an inspiration to each of us to seek God, find his presence, and live a life transformed by his grace.