08 Oct

Welcome back to the Fearlessly Unshackled podcast! I'm your host, Sarah Rose, and today, we dive deep into a truly remarkable journey of faith and redemption with our guest, Dylan Madsen. If there’s one thing I love about this podcast, it’s hearing stories of transformation, especially how the love and grace of Jesus Christ can change lives.

A Life Altered at a Young Age
Dylan's story starts like many others—with childhood, family, and the challenges that life throws our way. At the tender age of three, a life-changing event occurred when Dylan's mother was involved in a severe car accident, resulting in her becoming quadriplegic for the next 25 years. Dylan emphasizes that, while having his mother in that condition was undoubtedly a struggle, it ultimately led him to appreciate the providential hand of God throughout his life.
Reflecting on his formative years, Dylan acknowledges how living with his grandparents shaped him. His grandfather, a strict yet wise man, instilled in him the values of hard work and perseverance. Despite the hardships, Dylan expressed gratitude for the lessons learned and the environment that nurtured his growth.

 A Journey to Faith
As we each navigate our own paths, it’s crucial to understand who introduces us to faith. Dylan shares that his introduction to God came at a young age through his sister reading him stories from a children's Bible. Though he was baptized into the Catholic Church, it wasn’t until adulthood that he truly began to explore his faith on a deeper level.
Dylan candidly admits that he spent many years living in rebellion, selfishly chasing worldly desires, and treading dangerously close to destructive behaviors that could have dire consequences. However, following the tragic loss of a close friend, he had a pivotal moment of realization that jolted his spirit awake. This was the catalyst he needed to dive into scripture, marking the beginning of his profound transformation.

Diving Deep into Scripture
In November 2020, Dylan made a commitment to read the Bible cover to cover, a decision that would change everything. As he immersed himself in the Word, the Holy Spirit began to alter his desires. Prior to this, Dylan had been heavily engaged in secular music and lifestyle choices that did not align with his new understanding of faith. 
Listening to various preachers, Dylan learned to discern the truth in God’s word and recognize the importance of sound theology. He emphasizes that many teachings he encountered along the way were misleading or lacked proper contextual interpretation, leading him to seek the real gospel of grace.

The Shift in Perspective
Dylan points out a crucial element of his faith journey: the necessity of repentance. For him, repentance meant a radical shift in direction—a decision to confront his sins rather than gloss over them. He learned that repentance is not simply about seeking forgiveness; it involves taking tangible steps in the opposite direction, towards a life of obedience and holiness.
Dylan shares his insights on the importance of understanding God's law, stressing that while believers are saved by grace, they are called to live lives that honor God's commandments. He encourages listeners to remember that our actions have consequences and highlights the need for accountability in our Christian walk.

The Calling on Our Lives
As we wrapped up our conversation, Dylan delves into the topic of discerning one's calling. He argues that everyone has a mandate to live according to God's will and aligns their daily actions with His laws, regardless of their profession or status. Whether you’re a rodeo competitor, a businessman, or anything in between, Dylan insists that the essence of your calling is rooted in glorifying God through your work.
He also stresses the importance of strong families and communities that model Christ-like behavior. Through small, faithful actions, one can influence the world for the better, carrying out the Great Commission in everyday life.

Embracing the Transformative Power of God
Dylan’s testimony is a beautiful reminder of how God can use our struggles, mistakes, and past to craft a compelling story of grace and redemption. If you find yourself at a crossroads or grappling with your faith, remember that it’s never too late to seek the truth in God’s Word and turn your life around.

Thank you for joining us on this episode of the Fearlessly Unshackled podcast! I hope Dylan's story inspires you to delve deeper into your faith and embrace the transformative power of Jesus Christ in your own life. Don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with others who might need encouragement and hope. Until next time, stay blessed!

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