20 Dec

I had the chance to listen to Charles Emmitt Capps' podcast this morning. He was discussing Mark 11:24, which states that if you ask for something in prayer and believe you have received it, it will be yours. 

This verse is known and liked by many of us. Mr Capp helped to break it down in more detail that i found helpful. He stressed the significance of thoughtful prayer and believing in what you ask for. According to him, there are a few different ways to show our belief or lack of belief.
Once we finish praying, will you continue to ask for the same thing over and over again? This is a sign of not believing that what you have asked for will be received.
Second, are you asking for something and then speaking in opposition of what you asked for thus not believing? His example was of a business owner in town who had been praying for his business to be successful. However, he would go around town informing everyone about his failing business, his inability to pay employees, and his doubt about its sustainability. 

If he had believed in what he asked for, he wouldn't have spoken like that. He would have praised his business and what God was doing to help him.

Have you connected the dots? What does your pray life look like? 

While this concept may seem logical, it actually opened my eyes to new perspectives. 

If this can be true for me, it could also be true for what I pray over my children.
To illustrate, imagine I approach Jesus and pray for that he will guide my child towards making wise decisions in life. I think I am firmly believing in His intervention. 


When my child comes home from school, I ask them where their backpack is. They say, “I forgot it at school”. I ask my child if they can ever get anything right. How hard is it to remember your backpack? I ask my child "How did your homework turn out?". They respond  "I failed to complete it". I respond by saying that to be irresponsible, you are going to get poor grades. 

Our manner of speaking to our kids may not involve stating these things outright, but we do have alternative ways of conveying similar messages. Do these messages reflect the things that we believe and have asked God for?  

What if I was believing in what I asked God for? How could I change my reaction and response knowing that I believe what I asked is happening in my child. 

Now when is where their backpack is. “I forgot it at school”. Oh bummer, I know you have been working to bring all your work home at night, so you do not have to do it in the morning. What are you going to need to do before school in the morning to get caught up. I know how much getting your work in on time means to you. 

How did your homework turn out? I failed to complete it. Oh, I know you want to get it all done on time, so you do not have more piling up on you. What are you going to try next time so you have time to get it done. 

Sort of cheesy but you get the idea. I believe that they are progressing and growing.

Just imagine the way we could change our words so instead of believing that they're not going to do it, we prophesy good upon their lives, and then we believe that Jesus is equipping them for what we've asked, and we receive?

I see this even for myself. Oh God, give me confidence to do X,Y,Z… Then I let the voice in my head tell me, you are not qualified; you are going to fail; you don’t know what you are doing. Maybe I tell people… I cannot do this. I am not ready; I am not qualified…
Job 22:28 You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways. 
Proverbs 18:7 A fool’s mouth is his ruin, And his lips are the snare of his soul.

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